
  • Click play (there's a full screen!)
  • Type in a rule into the rule box (look below for some fun ones!)
  • Click the top row of cells (so the very top of the light grey section, one square should turn black)
  • Watch how it propagates!

Fun rules!

  • rule 18, 22, 26, 60... - are all sierpiński's triangle
  • rule 30 - entually leads to randomness, so it's used to make psuedo-random numbers (they're not totally random because you could recreate them if you had the starting conditions). it also has a similar appearance to the shell of the Conus textile snail!
  • rule 90 - is sometimes called the "simplest, non-trivial cellular automaton" as it is just the XOR function
  • rule 110 - is turing complete, meaning it can simulate the logic of any computer alogirthm! it lies on the boundry of order and chaos (just like me, when programming this)
  • rule 184 - is used as a model of traffic flow in a single lane, surface deposition, and ballistic annihilation


  • The cells on the sides of the canvas needs to query cells outside of the canvas. Right now, this just returns a dead cell even if the cell would normally would be alive. This leads to inaccurate graphs:

  • It looks really ugly :(

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